Saturday, September 22, 2007

of course. well, see...

i love the way that just all of a sudden there are leaves all over everywhere.

"so and so was really attractive. well, she was attractive as poets go. the standards a little lower there, you know."

i want to be driven c r a z y.
i like it better that way.

i dont think i have any sense of deadline. freshman year it was pounded into my head that "deadlines are literal. if you go past the line then youre dead." but i think my internal sense of "i can always get it done tomorrow" is way to strong.

i save the work i dont want to do for last, which is a stupid idea. when i was little and i didnt want to eat dinner i would save myself a "sibling conservative" [which was a small portion of whatever part of the meal i liked the best and use it to reward myself for eating all the gross stuff. and dont ask me why i called it that. i have no idea: but it is likely i was just being contrary. i was probably 5 and i distinctly remember having my first real life argument with my father about it. i was bound and determined that i would call it that, and he just kept saying that it didnt make any sense at all. but, by golly, i was determined to call it that, and call it that i did. ] anyway, it seems like i should reinstate that concept.

lessons are hard to learn. but since i have already learned them, im glad i did learn them.

i wonder how many people fell in love while sitting on the green grass on a sunny day.

on the can of fruit i was eating yesterday it said it contained "colored cherries." are there some albino cherries somewhere?

how nice to remember that He knows more than i do. and that he will do what he will in good time. so: theres no need for me to worry.

sister1 [8years]: i want to get married at night
sister2 [10 years]: why?
sister1: because i will probably get tired and then we can go straight to bed afterward.
sister2: well, duh. you can get married in the morning and take a nap before the reception.

hurrah for hulahoops.

im happy with my flipflops. they will do nicely until i figure out what to do about my favoriteshoes that may or may not be dying.

> i wonder if the level of hurt will be proportionate to the level of healing. or if the level of healing will be greater than the amount of hurt - or - if its that you can never recover enough healing for the amount of hurt and you will always be hurt.

and have we mentioned that its "how many ways can i be the suckiest person i can be" marathon. and nothing seems to be going exactlyexactly right. and: school hates me.

but: if i can survive, ill probably be in good shape.
[ hopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehopehope]

currently playing: nothing better // postal service

Posted 4/18/2005 9:11 PM

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