Thursday, September 27, 2007

list #2

apparently, im really into lists lately, and apparently lists of eight. its too bad that making lists doesnt inspire me to necessarily finish them. boo.

todays list of somethings:
1. i know next to nothing about the Dalai Lama. he is a very curious sort of person and i want to know about him. i only learned about 2 things today, and thats because i was asking so many questions that no one knew the answer to that someone went and looked up a really basic article for me about him. my curiousity is not appeased. its a very perplexing subject.

2. i think im getting excited about my story. although, it needs work.
im considering becoming a hermit.

3. theres a song that i can never figure out what the words are: its either
every morning, start over
let it go and start over.

and i dont know which one it is, but i dont suppose it really matters.

4. snooze is a word that does not look quite right to me.

5. a spontaneous poem that i wrote from ink.:
and His voice rang through the mountains,
the trees, the streams and the trickles through the forests,
the rivers at the bottom of the canyons
and with that, there was silence. after a moment,
in a different land, a temple crumbled, and houses
fell throughout the city at once--and it was then
that the echoes of the cries of God
and the cries of children that were caused
by God's cries and the sound of them mingled together
created a new sound, a sound that was heard
across the land, and then the people waited breathlessly.

6. my mind is a mess of everything, but eventually,
i will be stronger than this. and i am trying to and will pick and choose what im taking and what im leaving, instead of being told. i am not wrong all the time, you know.
and if you are a rational person, i hereby invite you to be my friend, and rub off on me all your rational thinking capabilities, because i get irrational a lot of sometimes.
and im mildly [terribly] curious about what will happen next, but im trying to remember that today has enough trouble of its own. "you cant start worrying about whats going to happen. you get spastic enough worrying about whats happening now." yes, thats true i think.

7. inevitably, whenever you dont take a shower, you see everyone that should be seen while looking your best. and when you look great, you dont see a soul.
ill take comfort that i always put on mascara.

i can surprise and annoy and love and hate and want differently for myself, all at once and thats ok. because things will be ok, despite what i think in my unrational moments or not.

8. i want to dance and forget whats worth forgetting.

Currently Watching: Dirty Dancing (Collector's Edition)

Posted 10/1/2005 11:18 PM

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