Saturday, September 22, 2007


i both underestimate and overestimate myself.

sleep was lost this weekend, but other [relatively marvelous, scary, very funny, etc. etc.] things were done/experienced/watched instead. i think 'unexpected' is the word for the weekend. --unexpected, but in that good unexpected scary way.
its weird when you can just see a smalltiny glimpse of something big and beautiful but its just out of reach.
but i feel more like myself than i have in a long time during the past 6 days or so. i like that.
im thinking about a lot of things. and i need to do laundry. and i want to be a *** woman. very decidedly much. its funny how you can use something so 'heathen' like the adjectives 'sexy' and '***' to describe things/ideals that are very much non-heathen ideas. :O 'christians' just dont have any vocabulary that works for some things apparently and so there. maybe there is some and i am just heathen enough to be ignorant of it. maybe. i know there are a lot of phrases that mean what i mean by those words [because of course i dont mean exactly what they mean by them], but no other completely concise form.
a redeemed human. yes. still needing work? um yes. is the work in progress? yes.
does that suck a mug? o yes. will it be beautiful? heck yes.

smiling today? mmhmm. running late today? mmmhmmmmm.

Currently Watching: Bring It On

Posted 2/28/2005 2:16 PM

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