Saturday, September 22, 2007

{poetry and prose}

I. The Poetry

things would be different
if i was the harbinger of woes, i should always keep clean my nose
and i would dress in pink, i think
in order to surprise those whose demise
is nearing. and then over in the clearing
i would keep some sheep and some salt, so we could make malts--
and we would have sunshine and tea and climb up some trees
and have pickles and flowers and swimming for hours
and thats what id do, if i were the bearer of all the bad news.


wasting the weary afternoon wishfully
"will you wonder, or wont you?" he asked me, while weeping.
"it is a very serious and sorrowful thing to wake and not notice
the woods, or walruses, or the west wind over the waters." [he spoke
these words when he had just woken up and was beginning
his morning walk out by the willows. ] "wait, werido. what
do you think i do with my wagon everyday? i am no wuss," i replied
as i winked. "i hear the warbling of the birds who worship
the white, birch trees, still withered from the wild winter,
while i whip my pony and he whimpers; i wish he would
go faster so that i could feel the warmth of the sun in my hair,
and the weight of freedom of the wonderfulness of the world.
in the afternoon, i sip wine and look at the wuthering heights
and the wilting flowers. at night, i sit at my window
and wonder where the stars are made, and why the moon
is orange and why the grass is laden with wet dew when we wake
up. i sleep with the weight of the covers on me and weep
when i hear the music of the crickets." "woman, i wish that you
would waltz with me," was all he could whisper in his wooing.

II. The Prose

a requirement for marriage
peanut butter and jelly is my favorite sandwich. i really do love them. i had [at least] one every day of my life for 11ish years. my sister would get tired of them, but i never did. in like 4th grade when we were practicing for science fair or something and we had to write out step by step instructions for something and everyone and their dog choose to write down how to make a peanut butter sandwhich? you would think that 4th graders would be more creative. but no. i think that proves that peanut butter and jelly is like the perfect dish for everyone, cause arent 4th graders like the perfect age? like the perfect date is april 25th, cause its not too hot and not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. or something. and i think it ought to be creamy peanut butter. the story is always passed around that when i was little, i was super picky and all i wanted to eat was cereal and scrambled eggs and bread and peanutbutterandjelly sandwhiches. so i go to stay with my aunt and uncle when i was like 3 for a weekend and they bought me peanut butter and jelly and made me a sandwhich for supper and i burst out crying cause "i dont like peanuts in my peanut butter." and certainly i like grape jelly best; strawberry and apple butter are really, really close after [and if you are adventurous with your peanutbutter you could try bananas or honey.] but the grape wins. i am, i suppose, a creature of habit. and: im sentimental [but not necessarily romantic]. grape is the dominant flavor of jelly throughout my childhood; i cant imagine it going anywhere anytime soon. and i think my sister and i decided that the best way to eat them was make sure its a really nicely made one, where the peanutbutter and jelly are even and then cut it down the middle [not diagonally, diagonal is for grilledcheeses. but kites are ok for pb&j, as are cookiecutter shapes, if its not the middle] and have goldfish and milk with it. mmmm. and then probably grapes or chocolatechip cookies or both, if youre still hungry after that.
but anyway, i have mostly moved on from my need to have peanut butter and jelly every day. but i still love it. and i think that everyone, barring extreme circumstances, like health reasons, or sad stories or other things, should be able to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. it is practically the best and safest sandwich available. and cheap. and stuff. i mean, what if you get married, and youre poor and all you can afford that last week before payday is a loaf of bread [and of course you already have the peanut butter and jelly, or you ought to anyway, because everyone always has those. its like mayonnaise. or perhaps, vasoline. its not kept in the fridgerator, but it is one of those things that everyone always has that doesnt actually run out. i wonder how those companies stay in business] and anway, thats all you have money for to eat and think how awful and irritating if you were married to someone who didnt like peanut butter and jelly?! im not requireing that they be in love with it, or that it has to be their favorite meal or anything. im just saying that its one of those things that everyone ought to be able to eat and enjoy once in while. i think this ought to be like a requirement from graduating from college or something, just like being able to swim across the length of the pool. and i think that im going to have pb&j at all my laborday parties and wedding and babyshowers, and presidents day and mayday, and funerals and all other social gatherings just to prove my point. and i dont think im going to marry anyone who doesnt like it either. so there.

Posted 6/23/2005 3:10 AM

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