Saturday, September 22, 2007

//im lost but im hopeful baby//

let me just say first: o my goodness. i have had an unbelieveably unbelieveable 56 hours.

A $1.10 worth of bliss in the form of a hotfudgesundae from mcdonalds and a handful of kissesandhugs and ibuprofens wont fix...
anything, actually. well, it might fix a few things but not a whole lot.
how startling to say for so long things like "people are more important than getting good grades." and "i know Jesus loves you. and me. therefore, i will love you." and then suddenly to have to actually for realrealreal act on those things. because the actions must be there, you know, and they must be there all the time. but my goodness. either keep my mouth shut, or dont and then follow through--and thats it. and Lord help the motives!
so ill tuck my little handful of gained life experience into my pocket, and hope the seams of said pocket are sewn tightlytightlytightly. life experience is such a big, all-encompassing phrase; i do hope the lessons will fit into my pocket. this is where it would be handy to be a boy [or: to remain a girl but wear boys pants, which seems to be a safer idea]--boys always have pockets big enough to carry a weeks supply of whatever it is that boys carry a weeks supply of. or more. ive seen some huge boy pockets. girls pockets can hold a stick of gum alright. and a stick of gum certainly has its place. i love gum. give me a good stick of ExtraPolarIce any day of the week. but thats only good for an hour or two; life experience sticks around, i think.
at anyrate: i do have enough room in my pockets for these things, and as delicate and fragile as the seams are, they are still tucked inside: things will be ok [at least someday, if not before]. hang in there. we'll make it. he still loves us. and , and i will still be here as long as i can help it. dont die. and we can un-give up tomorrow, you know.

currently playing: one hand in my pocket

Posted 4/3/2005 2:04 PM

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