Sunday, April 27, 2014

Our Charlotte Mason Preschool year plan!

Even though Charlotte didn't believe in Preschool.

36 Weeks--26 letters + 10 numbers   (It has taken us longer, but we aren't dedicated)
so 1 letter or number / week in all corresponding books

--A is for Apple.  I love these for the tracing aspects.
--Sticker Activity Letters.  her favorite part
--Big Thoughts for Little People devotional
--My First ABC informal! picture study

--1 2 3 Count with me
--Sticker Activity Numbers
--Hand Commands Devotional

--Kindermusik Weekly
--Lots of outside play (although, we failed in winter due to the POLAR VORTEX) and drawing a    
  picture in our nature journal when we saw something interesting
--Before Five in a Row read alouds + all of the books we own + Childcraft Vol. 1 Poems of Early Childhood
--Mary Engelbreit's Nursery and Fairy Tales

--Chapter Book Read alouds with mom:
*Little House in the Big Woods
*Mr. Popper's Penguins
*Milly Molly Mandy
*Both Winnie the Pooh books

--Audio Books for quiet time:
*Raggedy Ann + Andy
*Beatrix Potter
*Pooh--Peter Dennis
*Paddington--Stephen Frye

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