Saturday, September 22, 2007

to be continued:

there are big.wonderful.messy.veryimportant. thoughts in my head. but returning more and more to the smallest and the smallest and simplest of these thoughts:
i need you.
i dont want to be awful.
there is more.
i will wait.
take a deep breath.
you love me regardless.
try again.
life is bad and good.
sleep tonight.
everthing will be alright.

those things and these things have kept me busy:
i want to know how they make cooking oil. and i learned why soap bubbles are which colors they are. and i like things that are little and intricate. when i grow up, im going to be very particular about my bathroom. i went to a sleepover and laughed a lot. stupid is written on my forehead i think. i watch reruns. i have no money. i made cookies with pink frosting. im behind with things. i got my oil changed. i need to calm down and try again. i cant spell. i have never had a bird poop on my arm.

"i walked, when love was gone /
/ beyond a break in the trees...
an easy breath of fresh air /
/ the tall stars held their peace /
/and things were as they were.
the trouble with me is that i worry
too much about things that
should be left alone." [ jw ]

; the stars are far away she said

and i have to pack. egads

/// [and my life, as far as i know, is] to be continued ///

Posted 1/27/2005 9:57 PM

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